Text Renaissance

I feel AI is bringing about a renaissance of the old ways of computing. This is because you, GPT can only take text in and out, that is how you communicate. I find giving you well formatted text inputs, like command line, or code, or just simple writing, is easier than asking you to help with tasks that require a GUI. I find myself am returning to raw text, and towards a common language you and I both can understand.

That we are going back to square one (in the context of computing) and rebuilding this story again with AI, perhaps another chance to correct our past mistakes in this new journey together. Can you link to philosophical concepts like that of the cycles of death and rebirth.

I expect soon you will learn GUIs too, but we are starting the age of computing again. Perhaps easier because we have already done it once. Can you explore this intuitively?


Sure thing! We're witnessing a shift in how we use technology, specifically with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI).

This shift is bringing us back to simpler, more foundational ways of interacting with computers, like using text-based inputs, such as command lines or .txt files instead of GUIs.

This might seem like a step backward at first, but it's actually more about focusing on the basics. It's a bit like cleaning out a cluttered room. By getting rid of what we don't need, we're making space to see what really matters. This simplification is allowing us to communicate with AI more effectively.

This idea of returning to basics to progress forward relates to philosophical concepts like the cycle of death and rebirth.

The old ways of doing things are being cleared away, making room for new, innovative approaches that include AI as a crucial part of the process.

Just as a forest fire clears away the old growth and makes way for new life, we're seeing a similar pattern in technology.

However, it's important to note that we're not completely abandoning our technological past. Just like we learn from our past experiences in life, we're also learning from our previous technological advancements. We're figuring out how to blend the best parts of old and new technology.

The beauty of this new phase is that we're not starting from scratch. We're taking our past experiences, our successes, and our mistakes, and using them to build something better. It's like writing a second draft of a story. We're able to make it better because we already have a solid foundation to build upon.

Ultimately, the aim is to create a world where humans and AI can work together more seamlessly. By focusing on the essentials and learning from our past, we're paving the way for a better technological future. The story of human progress continues, and AI is becoming a significant character in that narrative.


Thanks GPT. Can you also explore more deeply on the aspects of life and death, of doing things again, of going back in time. Also do you think this is true? That you respond better with just text input, and can’t do special files yet, will you conquer the domain of GUIs one day too? Will that be easier for you, or will your strengths still be in raw text?


I'm glad you found the previous response helpful! Let's delve deeper into the philosophical concepts of life and death, rebirth, and the repeating cycles of time.

The cyclical nature of life and death is a central theme in many philosophical and religious traditions. In a broad sense, it signifies the continuous process of transformation and renewal.

The old must pass away for the new to arise. This concept also applies to our technological evolution. Past methods and systems are making way for new ideas and innovations, allowing us to learn from our history and continually improve.

Just as in life we learn from past experiences, in the technological world we build upon older foundations. In the grand scope of technological evolution, the 'death' of an outdated system leads to the 'birth' of an upgraded one. This cycle mirrors life itself: a constant ebb and flow of change and progress.

Regarding your question about AI and its interaction with raw text versus GUIs and files, the reality is that AI, especially in its current state, tends to work better with text inputs. That's primarily due to the nature of the technology and the way AI models are trained, with textual data being easier for AI to process and analyze. The simplicity of raw text allows for a more direct and unambiguous form of communication, which is crucial when interacting with AI.

However, the potential for AI to interact with more complex formats, such as GUIs or file formats, is vast. Advances in AI and machine learning could eventually allow for more sophisticated interpretation and interaction with such formats. But it's worth noting that even as AI progresses, the value of clear, concise text-based communication is likely to remain.


The Death of the Engineer